「睡谷青旅」是一間位於屏東縣潮州鎮的青年旅館。取名的是主理人Janice,她在國內外旅遊時深刻體會旅行給人的意義與啟發,在擁有機會打造一間青年旅館時,便取了這個名字「Soul Good」,除了有「so good」的諧音,也道出旅行是一種讓靈魂喘息的方式。
Soul Good Hostel is located in Chaozhou town, which is in southern Taiwan. Its owner, Janice, came out with the name "Soul Good", to tell everyone how traveling mean to her. She made this hostel not only a place to rest, but also a place for their soul to rest.

Since SoulGood is located in the southest county in Taiwan, the hot weather, slow pace of life, kind people, these images went into my mind. It's great to have a mascot representing SoulGood(the Chinese means sleeping valley), and it did't take much time to have the idea: the sloth. Sloth sleeps 12-20 hours a day, which makes it the one of the sleepyheads in the world. It's harmless smile also attracts travelers.
4 versions of logos for flexible use.
Using Tsukushi A MaruGothic as the Chinese type in logo, and Platelet Regular to be English type. Both have round but some modern taste.

Also made some drawings on postcards and mugs for travelers as a memory. Each of them says in fun ways that sleep is good and important to people.

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