
Atayal is one of the indigenous in Taiwan, and "DAYAN" means"the brave man" in Atayal language. DAYAN Atayal Kitchen uses local agriculture products as ingredients to make home-made, Atayal-traditional food or dressing, which is delicious to everyone.

The mission is to design packages for their makao chili sauce. Makao is one of indigenous' favorite spices, also known as "mountain pepper", which has a complex smell of lemon, ginger and pepper. 

The concept for the jar is about Atayal traditional pattern as decorative elements, and the color of chili and makao. The handwriting title is to emphasize the pure and aboriginal feeling, so as woodcut-alike makao pattern.

As for the outer box, it's a silhouettes of a Atayal worrier, which is the meaning of DAYAN. It also shows the owner's confidence for their products. 
Thank you for viewing this tiny little project! 

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